Have you ever tried to wash a pot that has rice, noodles, custard, or some other starchy food in it with hot water, and noticed that you just get a gloopier, stickier, more disgusting mess?

Looking for an easy way to wash sticky pots?

Guess what – if you just fill that pot up with some COLD water right after you are finished cooking, you will see one of the miracles of science: the starch detaches itself from the pot!

That’s right, just fill up your ricey, noodley, or other starchy, gunky pot with nothing but cold water (as soon as possible after finishing cooking), wait about 5 or 10 minutes (better still, let the pot sit while you eat your dinner!), and your cleanup will be not much more involved than a quick rinse.

This is THE BEST way to wash sticky pots that have been used for cooking STARCHY foods.

Greasy food… next! ๐Ÿ™‚